Should You Bring Recruitment In-House?

The world of recruitment is a perfect example of how changes in society change whom we hire. Access to people has never been so open and will only continue to evolve. To survive in business you also need to evolve. All of your interactions with clients, customers and competitors are interconnected. The best way to leverage your advantage is to be in control of the whole orchestra and not just the wind section.


Increasingly, smart companies are taking control of the way they recruit staff at all levels. Putting in place strategies to ensure they maximise the opportunity to bring in the right people at the right time.

By bringing recruitment in-house you can reduce and in some cases eliminate the need for external methods such as Job Board advertising or recruitment agencies, with the benefit of significantly reduced cost per hire and time to hire.

If you plan to grow then you need to plan your resources. Controlling your own Recruiting Strategy means that you can stay one step ahead of your resourcing needs. By talent pooling and tracking your next key hires you can line up resources to join you when you need them without putting a brake on your growth trajectory. No external service is going to do this for you as cost effectively as you can.

Typical Agency fees are in the 15-20% of Salary range – meaning that a £30k hire will cost some £6k in fees.

A typical in-house team will reduce your average cost per hire to £1-2k.

So, when you add in the multiplier effect of marketing and brand awareness combined with your In-House Recruiting Strategy and the effect on your bottom line is significant.

Is it time you considered taking control of your resourcing and bringing your recruitment in-house?